Chakra balancing is a process of restoring a harmonious flow of energy across your chakra system. The effect of well-balanced chakras often a feeling of well-being, relaxation, harmony, centeredness, increased vitality and embodiment of oneself.
When any of these energy centers are blocked, it leads to stagnation and can contribute to a variety of physical and spiritual ailments. Try this exercise and see how your alignment is changing. How your energy increases and your pain, numbness is reducing. For your reference, make a journal and write down your experience.
The Root Chakra - Color Red
- Are you organized?
- Do you feel generally grounded and practical in your daily routine?
- Can you handle life’s obstacles with grace and ease?
- Do you feel that the world you live in is a generally safe place?
Root Chakra Affirmation:
- My root chakra is balanced, and I am safe and grounded all the time.
- I feel protected in this World, and I am at home wherever I am.
- I have a right to be here.
- I am supported by Mother Earth, and I am deeply rooted.
- I am connected to my body, and I nurture my body with what it needs to flourish.
- I release all my doubts and fears, and with every breath, I release anxiety.
- I am all I need to be happy, and I am worthy of love and care.
- I choose to trust the Universe to guide me.
The Sacral Chakra - Color Orange
- Are you creative?
- Do you feel comfortable moving your body, such as dancing?
- Do you find that moderation with food, drink or earthy pleasure is enjoyable for you?
- Are you comfortable with emotions?
- Do you have healthy intimate relationships with others and yourself?
Sacral Chakra Affirmation:
- I attract people who treat me with respect.
- I enjoy pleasure in all areas of my life, and it is my birthright to receive pleasure.
- My emotions are free-flowing and balanced all the time.
- I am a creative being, and I am a lovable and desirable being.
- I honour the sacred body in which my soul resides.
- I welcome sensuality into my life.
- I embrace my vibrant sexuality because sex is a divine connection.
- Creating art nourishes my soul and brings me joy.
- I am comfortable in my body, and I treat it with care and love.
- I receive pleasure and abundance with every breath I take.
- I let go of past feelings that no longer serve me.
The Solar Plexus - Color Yellow
- Do you identify as confident?
- Do you have goals that you work to achieve?
- Do you feel comfortable being assertive?
- Are you happy with yourself and accomplishments?
- Are healthy boundaries effortless for you to honour?
Solar Plexus Affirmation:
- I make my own decisions with confidence and conviction, and I give myself permission to be my authentic self.
- I forgive myself for past mistakes, and I grow from them.
- I am motivated to pursue my purpose, and I am comfortable with my power.
- I am worthy and capable of achieving my dreams, and I have high self-esteem and believe I am valuable.
- I am ambitious and efficient in whatever I desire.
- I choose inner peace and satisfaction daily.
- I have a lot to offer the World, and I choose the best for myself, always.
- Everything I need, I have within.

The Heart Chakra - Color Green
- Are you compassionate?
- Are you loving?
- Do you enjoy being of service to others?
- Can you build a healthy and deep relationship with people?
- Do you feel emotionally free not holding onto old grief or un-forgiveness?
Heart Chakra Affirmation:
- I am worthy of the purest love, and I direct love and light towards myself too.
- I live in harmony with all other beings, and I am fully open to giving and receiving love.
- I release and let go of all resentment, and I forgive myself for my mistakes, and I grow from them.
- I love myself unconditionally, and I choose to love every single day.
- It is safe for me to love and be loved, and I create loving and supportive relationships.
- I am grateful for all of my blessings.
- My heart is filled with joy and gratitude.
- I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
The Throat Chakra - Color Blue
- Do you feel comfortable speaking your truth?
- Do you like to write, sing, teach or have a meaningful conversation?
- Is it easy for you to express your thoughts and feelings?
- Can you clearly articulate your needs?
- Do you not just hear other person’s words but also truly listen to what others have to say?
Throat Chakra Affirmation:
- I speak the truth, and I listen to the truth.
- I am the pure eternal consciousness and bliss.
- I’m not scared to speak my mind. My intent is always clear and noble.
- My voice is clear and powerful.
- I feel compassion toward others and trust others.
- I don’t engage in gossips and criticism.
- I am grounded, and I have access to my higher self for guidance and support.
- I am open to receiving messages from my angels.
- I am full of creative ideas.
- What I do, I do it with full conviction and dedication.
- I am honest and authentic in my speech and actions.
The Third Eye Chakra - Color Indigo
- Do you have a clear vision of your future?
- Do you feel you can see the truth of situations?
- Do you identify as intuitive?
- Do you remember your dream?
- Do you like color and visual art?
Third Eye Affirmation:
- I am wise, intuitive, and connected to my inner guidance.
- I seek to understand and learn from my life experiences. I am always connected to my higher power.
- I am connected to the wisdom of the Universe.
- Every situation is an opportunity for growth, and I can see and act in alignment with my divine purpose.
- I open myself to new energy and experience
- My life moves effortlessly towards my life purpose.
- I live in alignment with my authentic self, and I choose to tap into my inner wisdom.
- My third eye sees all.
The Crown Chakra - Color Violet
- Do you believe in something higher than yourself? God, Universe, Unity Life after Death?
- Do you meditate or pray?
- Do you feel inspired by life?
- Do you feel inspired in your life?
- Do you have peace in the way things are flowing in your life?
Crown Chakra Affirmation:
- I am complete, and I am worthy of love from divine energy.
- The Universe is kind and loving, and I am an extension of the Universe.
- I trust that I am loved completely and unconditionally.
- It is safe to get Divine guidance, and I receive advice from my angels, spirit guides and benevolent energy.
- I am connected to my higher self and receive guidance from it.
- I am love. I am light and let it shine.
- My light attracts others that respect my unique vibration.
- I am one with the Universe.