Psychic Parties

Looking to host a Private Psychic Party at your location? Psychic Parties are an increasingly popular way to bring mystical, fun and fulfilling experiences. I will offer you a party in the comfort of your own home or business. I will come to you – all you need to do is to provide the people (4 to 6 people is required for a party booking).
All that is required is a separate, quiet and non-smoking room with 2 chairs and a table.
Every session is 30 minutes in duration - $70.00 per session plus travelling time.
Erzsebet of disclaims all liability in regard to the advice given to her clientele. Her services are in no way to be used as a replacement for physical, mental, or psychological therapy or assistance of any.
Erzsebet in no way claims to be a medical doctor. If you are experiencing mental or physical pain, which may be a warning sign to see a physician or medical doctor, Erzsebet Doka recommends you seek medical advice immediately and acknowledges this reading is not a replacement for such.
The reading you seek is Psychic / Medium / Spiritual Counsellor in nature, please be aware that accepting to participate in a reading indicates you also agree to be open to whomever, such as spiritual friends, relatives or guides that may come through with a message.
If Erzsebet is unable to connect with a client as may possibly happen with any Psychic / Medium, she will not charge for the service. Erzsebet hopes you’ll enjoy the reading and messages that come through with love and peace.
Many blessings to you all.