Ultrasounds reveal that 8-10% of all pregnancies are twins, but only 1% of the living
twin is born. An ultrasound shows 1-2 mm embryos three weeks after fertility.
There are also cases where they are embedded in such a way that they can only be
discovered much later – or if one of them did not die. Since a routine ultrasound test
usually takes place after the 3rd month, by then, if there was a twin pregnancy, one of
the twins could have already disappeared. However, if the test is performed earlier, the
twin lost at the beginning of a pregnancy will be visible.
We also know that the embryo feels the sounds of its environment before its own heart
starts to beat. So in addition to the sounds from the mother's body, it also senses the
sounds coming from their twin: blood flow and movements that make noises. Therefore
the twins sense each other’s presence very early on in the womb. Ultrasound data of older fetuses show how they hug each other, play and communicate with each other. All this is happening even before their mother could sense their movements.
In the vast majority of cases, tragedy happens; life signs coming from one of the embryos are weaker as it develops into a fetus and the heartbeat can be weaker. If the heart slows down then the movements stop, and the other fetus feels and lives through the process of their dying twin. If all of this happens in the second trimester of pregnancy, the surviving child often goes to one side of the mother’s womb and hardly moves until birth – presumably not to have to contact the hardened twin’s remains. Also, the fetus starts to develop taste buds by the 10th week of pregnancy, and as the deceased twin causes the amniotic fluid to change in taste.
The loss of a twin, even early on in the womb, can leave a permanent emotional scar for the surviving child. These facts were formulated by psychotherapists even before the Family Constellation method was born. What has been described is well supported by foreign literature and our own experience. Due to shared experience, a typical syndrome band was drawn, which was named the “Lost Twin Syndrome" by Dr. Mary Angster.
Family Constellation is a perfect tool to properly say goodbye to your lost twin, with the
promise that you will see each other when the time is right. After the Family Constellation session, you may feel emotional, but you will develop a better understanding of this trauma and perhaps even find answers to deeper rooted issues or habits you have. This understanding will aid in moving forward with your life and finding peace and happiness.
For more information and to start your healing journey, please reach out to us.
